



Department of Data Science

In the Department of Data Science we develop people capable of identifying and solving problems that occur in a diverse range of organizations. We foster skills in data science, that is, mathematical technology based upon the fundamentals of mathematics and information science, making use of analysis of big data related to business, the environment and transport etc. as well as machine learning. Based upon operations research and statistics, our students study machine learning and big data analysis. They work closely with academic staff with a diverse range of specialist fields and proactively engage in joint research with corporations. As a result, they develop flexible and high level applied skills underpinned by a mastery of the fundamentals.

Features of the Department

In terms of courses within the Department, our students begin by studying Bayesian statistics and statistical methodology, which serve as the foundation for analysis of big data, the fundamentals of operations research and mathematical programming. From the third year, they learn about aspects of artificial intelligence technology such as machine learning, both in terms of the theory and through practical sessions. In addition to deepening their understanding of big data analysis and the applications of artificial intelligence technology, they carry out their own research activities, starting in practical sessions within their research groups.