



Department of Psychology and Human Relations

The same problems that we find in our schools, such as bullying and arguing, we find in society at large. The ties that bind us together as a community are becoming ever looser with the changes in the state of the family and the community, and the spread of an increasingly information-oriented society. The tensions that arise between groups or individuals as a result of these changes can be witnessed at all levels of society, be it at school, at work, in the home, in our neighborhoods, or in local community groups. In order to resolve these problems, we not only need our specialists to have a scientific understanding of the human being but also need them to have a deep appreciation of the essence of human nature and of the joy of human interaction. The Department of Psychology and Human Relations offers a program, unique in Japan, that combines theoretical learning with experiential learning. With courses drawn from a broad range of disciplines including psychology, education, and human relations studies, and through a range of experiential learning the program combines an objective view of the changes in human emotions and the development of mind and body with a subjective view of the human person. By studying these two aspects, we deepen our understanding of the human person and of our own essential humanity and thereby grow as human beings.

Features of the Department

  • In addition to lecture courses in the human sciences, in fields such as education and psychology, the Department offers a broad range of courses based on active learning and experiential learning. Through subjective experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of the nature of human relations, with aim of promoting self-growth within the individual.
  • A selection of courses is available to students from their third year to satisfy individual interests in the theoretical and the practical approaches to their area of interest.