



Student Voices: Undergraduate Programs


Maria Regina Jessica Calista Respati (Indonesia)

Faculty of Global Liberal Studies
Department of Global Liberal Studies

I heard about Nanzan University for the first time from my father, who was a student in the CJS back in 1990-1992. From him, I knew something about the University, the campus environment, and also some things about Japan. Japan is the first foreign country for me to visit, and when I came, I found Japan to be quite different to my own country. Not only the language, but also the environment, which is clean and organized. I also like the fact that there are four distinct seasons in Japan, which is not the case in my country. I also found Japanese culture interesting, which made me think that I would like to learn more and also experience living in Japan myself.

Nanzan University has a strategic location, in the city of Nagoya, which is one of the biggest cities in Japan. It provides an English-friendly environment, and has the Global Liberal Studies Department, where we can study in both English and Japanese, and where I focused my attention. In addition, the University offers special incentives for international students to study, including reduced tuition fees and scholarships.

I spent my first year studying online due to the pandemic, and finally came to Japan just before I started my second year. My first impression of the Nanzan University campus was good because of the green environment and the adequate facilities that enhance our learning. Nanzan University also helped me learn more about other countries and cultures through the friends and teachers I met on campus, who came from countries other than Japan. At Nanzan University, I was able to learn comfortably thanks to the quality of the facilities and the friendliness of the teachers. I was also able to discuss many topics in class and to become able to see things from other people’s perspectives by using critical-thinking learning methods.

World Plaza, the Green Area and the 7th floor of Building Q are my favorite spots in Nanzan University. World Plaza is the best place to spend free time and talk to people while also making new friends. It is very comfortable, and has facilities that help us learn new languages or just enjoy ourselves. Also, for me, the Green Area is the best place to spend time with friends. I often eat my lunch in the Green Area, or just sit there and enjoy the good weather with my friends. I think the 7th floor of Building Q is the best spot to look out over Nagoya City, especially around sunset, when we can see the beautiful early night sky.

After having spent almost two years at Nanzan University, few of my first impressions have changed, but I have noticed that many Japanese people are actually very interested in other countries’ cultures and languages. I am very happy to know that and to help fellow students who are learning about my native language and culture. At the same time, I am also able to get help from them with my Japanese language skills and to gain more knowledge about Japanese culture.

Studying in Nanzan University’s Global Liberal Studies Department helped me to think more critically and to see things in a different perspective, particularly in a more global perspective. Because of this experience, I would like to participate more in activities related to the global environment, especially promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. Moreover, I would like to share what I have learned and experienced at Nanzan University with the people in my country so I can participate in the process of preserving both our culture and environment, while creating a more sustainable way of living.

Deciding to study abroad is a big step, and of course I was worried about a lot of things since I would be starting my new life alone, far from my family. However, I’m glad I took this opportunity, because it has allowed me to learn many things and has helped me to widen my connections. If we want to know more about the world, let’s just step forward and experience it ourselves. It is okay to be worried, but also keep in mind that eventually we will be able to overcome every obstacle that we face, while also learning along the way.