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Alumni Network Message from Alumni Association

November 28, 2024

Hello, everyone. It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to the members of the Nanzan University Alumni network. I am Yasue Kodama. This September, I started working at the Foreign Language Education Center. Before I came to Nanzan University, I spent about 10 years at the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute, Urawa, and 17 years at California State University in the United States, teaching Japanese language and culture. My specialty is sociolinguistics, which is the field to study the relationship between society and language, and within which I have focused on the issues of rhetorical discourse grammar in the oral narratives as well as gender and sexuality. Making the most of these areas of my specialty, at the Nanzan University Center for Japanese Studies I am in charge of teaching Language and Culture A and the Intermediate and Advanced Translation classes.

In the former half of the Language and Culture course, taking into account the latest research findings from cognitive linguistics, we look at how different perspectives create a range of ways of viewing things, starting with the concept of self. We also study how this is reflected in the language, being linked to the concept of uchi and soto (in-group and out-group) and the use of honorifics. In the latter half of the course, we look at how social variables such as gender, sexuality, and age affect the use of language. In that process, from the standpoint of social problems or inequality in society, we consider how we may be able to rectify these issues in terms of language.

Sociolinguistic competence is also essential when it comes to translation. Before I came to Nanzan, with the local American students majoring in Japanese who were in my translation class, I translated a Japanese book into English. The book was written about a man called Floyd Schmoe, who, after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, gathered donations from all over the world in order to build houses for the displaced people of Hiroshima in cooperation with Japanese volunteers. This "Peace Housing" project became a symbol of peace.

In this book, the term "kyosei shuyojo" appeared many times, referring to the camps in America where Japanese Americans were interned. The options for translating this includes "evacuation camp", "internment camp", and "incarceration camp", but which of these the translator would choose depends upon their position to the historical fact. Regardless of the recent spread and development of AI translation, the final decision regarding the term to use must be made by the translator.

Now, in Japan, translations of books written by Nobel Prize-winning economists who validated the relationship between their countries' economic affluence and democracy are flying off the shelves. In the future too, translation will surely continue to be an essential job, playing an extremely important role in society as a guide transcending countries and languages.

I look forward to seeing you at Nanzan University.

Yasue Kodama
Japanese Education Division, Foreign Language Education Center

南山大学Alumni networkのみなさん、初めまして。この9月に外国語教育センターに着任しました小玉安恵と申します。南山の前は、国際交流基金日本語センターで約10年間、アメリカのカリフォルニアの州立大学で17年間、日本語、日本文化を教えていました。専門は、社会と言語の関係を研究する社会言語学で、特に口語ナラティブの修辞的な談話文法やジェンダーとセクシュアリティーの問題にフォーカスした談話研究が専門です。南山大学の外国人留学生別科では、自分の専門を生かして、言語と文化Aのクラスと、翻訳中級と上級のクラスを担当しています。


翻訳にも社会言語学的能力が不可欠です。南山に来る前、翻訳のクラスでアメリカの日本語専攻の学生と一緒に、広島の原爆投下後、世界中から資金を集め、家を無くした広島市民のために、日本人と協力しあって、平和の象徴となる平和住宅を建設したフロイド・シュモーというアメリカ人について書かれた本を英訳しました。その際、日系人の「強制収容所」という言葉が何度も出てきました。翻訳の選択肢としてはevacuation campやinternment camp、incarceration campなどがあるのですが、どれを選ぶかで翻訳者の歴史的事実へのスタンスが違ってきます。昨今は、AI翻訳の進歩が著しいですが、しかしどんなにAIが普及し発展しても、その選択をするのは、翻訳者自身です。今、日本では、ノーベル経済学賞を受賞した経済学者たちの国の経済的豊かさと民主主義の関係を検証した著書の翻訳本が飛ぶように売れています。翻訳が、国や言語を超えた社会の導き手として、非常に重要で、不可欠な仕事であることは、これからも変わらないでしょう。


小玉 安恵

Contacting Alumni Association

Nanzan International Students Alumni Network
Center for International Affairs
Nanzan University
18 Yamazato-cho Showa-ku
Nagoya 466-8673
Facebook : Nanzan University International Students Alumni Network