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2024 Architectural Institute of Japan Prize (Practical Achievement Division)

July 30, 2024

Nanzan University's campus is a masterpiece of modernist architecture, designed and master-planned by architect Antonin Raymond, with the concept of "based on nature."

Inheriting his concept, our university has preserved and utilized the campus through expansions and renovations. The most recent renovation project has been awarded the Architectural Institute of Japan Prize (Practical Achievement Division).

The Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Prize is an architectural prize that has been awarded by the AIJ since 1949.

Considered to be the most prestigious architectural prize in Japan, it focusses on academic, technological and artistic aspects of progress and development in Japanese architecture and, by recognizing particularly outstanding accomplishments, it aims to further enhance the architectural culture of Japan.

Honoring individuals or organizations that have made significant achievements in the construction and architectural areas of Japan, it comprises four divisions: Research Paper Division, Architectural Design Division, Building Engineering Division, and Practical Achievement Division.

On this occasion, in 2024, Nanzan University has been recognized in the Practical Achievement Division. In 1965, it was awarded the Architectural Design Prize.

Starting with the construction of Building Q and Lien in 2016, then the Raymond Renovation Project and the 2023 opening of the renovated Reiners Central Library, this latest award recognizes the renovation and preservation featured in the Raymond approach to architecture manifested in projects that have brought ongoing growth to the campus.

Special Website (Japanese)