



Number of Degrees Conferred

Bachelor's Degree

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
Bachelor of Arts in Economics 255 16,052
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Studies 347 17,272
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration 251 14,428
Bachelor of Arts in Law 240 11,196
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities 288 7,429
Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies 256 6,986
Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Engineering - 1,112 disestablished in 2021
Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology 221 1,525
Bachelor of Arts in Global Liberal Studies 150 556
Others ―  15,630 Faculties that have been disestablished.
Total 2,008 92,186

Associate Degree

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
Associate Degree in English Language - 2,685 The system of associate degrees
(enforced on October 1, 2005 and disestablished in 2020)

Master's Degree

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
Master of Christian Studies 3 56
Master of Anthropology 6 75
Master of Educational Facilitation 2 91
Master of Linguistic Science 6 161
Master of International Area Studies 3 167
Master of Economics 8 260
Master of Arts in Management 2 363
Master of Policy Studies 5 38
Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences 6 91
Master of Science in Software Engineering 10 98
Master of Science in Control Engineering 16 159
Others 1 1,137 Graduate schools that have been disestablished.
Total 68 2,696

Master of Business Administration (Professional Degree)

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - 300 Graduate Program in Business Administration has been disestablished.
Total - 300

J.D. (Professional Degree)

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
J.D. 3 363  
Total 3 363

Doctor's Degree

As of March 31, 2024

  2023 Academic Year Cumulative Total Note
Ph.D. in Religious Thought 1 6
Ph.D. in Anthropology 0 5
Ph.D. in Linguistic Science 0 11
Ph.D. in Area Studies 1 11
Doctor of Economics 0 6
Doctor of Philosophy in Management 0 38
Ph.D. in Policy Studies 0 4
Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences 1 4
Ph.D. in Software Engineering 0 7
Ph.D. in Control Engineering 0 1
Others 32 Graduate schools that have been disestablished.
Total 3 125