


MUNSI,Roger Vanzila

職名 教授
主要著書・論文 『村上茂の伝記―カトリックに復帰した外海(そとめ)・黒崎かくれキリシタンの指導者』、聖母の騎士社、2012年
“The Sakata Society in the Congo: Socio-Political and Religious Organizational Patterns.” 人類学研究所、研究論集3号、2013年、pp.165-222.
The Dancing Church of the Congo: Missionary Paths in a changing Society. London: MediaComX, 2021.
将来的研究分野 Ethnoarchaeology
Anthropology of Sustainability
Anthropology of Cultural Performance
担当の授業科目 基礎演習、宗教人類学、宗教論、 Multiculturalism<国際科目群> 、
民族学 / Ethnology、 民族問題と人間の尊厳、
国際教養学入門II / GLS Lecture Series II 、
サステイナビリティと民族・文化 / Sustainability, Ethnicity, and Culture、
Topics in GLS 、 グローバル化と民族・宗教

Studying Anthropology of Religion at Nanzan University

As matters stand, anthropology is now well placed at the outset of the 21st century to make important contributions to human well-being economic growth and mutual understanding of peoples around the world. In this way, anthropology provides the possibility to study every aspect of human existence. It is really the window into the unknown. Essentially, it provides the answer to our questions about ourselves our past present and future. Therefore, it helps to connect everyone from around the globe.
 Once you come to Nanzan University, you will be also given the opportunity to study together with me a course on Anthropology of Religion. It is a very interesting course that will ultimately provide you important input and insights to improve your actual knowledge of religion. This is simply because anthropology offers a unique perspective for the study of religious beliefs, the way people think about the supernatural, and how the values and behaviors these beliefs inspire contribute to the lives of individuals and communities in a changing global society.
 Studying anthropology of religion, however, we will not be concerned with discovering the truth or falsehood of religion. Instead, we will be more interested in how religious ideas express a people's cosmology, such as notions of how the universe is organized and the role of humans within the world.
There are at least five main reasons to study religion at Nanzan University:
-Studying religion might make you happier.
-Studying religion helps you understand different cultures.
-Studying religion increases your understanding of global complexity.
-Studying religion increases your cultural awareness.
-Studying religion is intellectually exciting because it provides access to the mystery of the other.

The anthropological study of religion is, therefore, essential for understanding the beliefs motivations actions hopes fears and morals of a good portion of the world's population. This suggests that anthropology of religion provides the opportunity to understand with depth and nuance the many beliefs and rituals that move persons to appreciate the alternative world of the religious reality. I look forward to seeing you soon at Nanzan University. Good luck!
