



職名 准教授
専攻分野 Teaching English as a Second Language & Rhetoric
主要著書・論文 Rhetoric and persuasive techniques used in speeches
将来的研究分野 Rhetoric & Communication
担当の授業科目 Literacy, Manabinogiho, Liberal Studies Seminar,
Proseminar, & Seminar classes

An Opportunity

I currently teach Literacy, Manabinogiho, and Liberal Studies Seminar classes for first-year students. It is my hope that these classes will be useful for students looking to improve their English and that they will enjoy the classes. English is more than a language - it can be a gateway to learning about the rest of the world. I also teach a speech analysis class and a seminar on rhetoric, communication, and persuasion in public speaking contexts.

My teaching philosophy is that learning a language should be seen as an opportunity to know more about the world and the people who live in it. To do this, students must use their own initiative and take the lead themselves. Teachers can facilitate the learning process by encouraging students and by providing a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Questions, comments, and indeed all kinds of student participation are strongly encouraged in all of my classes.

Ultimately, I believe that students will get out of a class what they put into it.