Learn about Anime and Japan from cultural & social perspectives
Enjoy the opportunity to explore Japanese culture and society through the lens of Anime for 3 weeks. The tour includes lectures about Japanese anime in English and 3 field trips to visit Anime-related places around central Japan to the equivalent of 30 contact hours.
Field Trip Destinations 2025
Kyoto, Hida-Takayama, and Ghibli Park
Interact with Japanese students called "Anime Study Buddy"
To enrich your total experience, you have a chance to spend with "Anime Study Buddy" members. They are regular Nanzan students who like anime. Enjoy developing your intercultural skills and making friends with Japanese students through various activities and experiences.
Possible Activities
Going to Karaoke, Izakaya, traditional festivals, local rural areas, and Anime merchandise shops etc. Discuss and decide what activities suit you with your buddy!
![photo of Tomoko Hoogenboom](img/index/pic_01.jpg)
Tomoko Hoogenboom
Instructor / Principal Lecturer, Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication & Affiliate Assistant Professor, Asian Studies at UMBC
Do you like anime? Then this program is for you!! Let's discuss your favorite anime and experience Japanese culture behind the scenes. You can also get to know students from different countries including Japan. Looking forward to meeting you in Nagoya this summer. We will have fun!!
![photo of Chie Fujikake](img/index/pic_02.jpg)
Anime Study Buddy Advisor/
Assistant Professor
Come and talk with your classmates and Japanese students about Anime while experiencing our culture here in Nagoya! This can be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Office of the Center for International Affairs, Nanzan University